Considering the interests of both parties; At present, we do not recommend customers to request a new IP and use it. If you have a great demand for connectivity in China, but the IP is currently blocked by the Chinese firewall, replacing the IP will not help you to ensure network accessibility for a long time. It is also easy to cause your new IP to be blocked by the firewall. According to TOS, You can only request an IP change every 30 days (whether you pay or not). If your IP is blocked again, your VM may not be able to connect to China for a long time. You need to wait another 30 days before you can request an IP change. Due to our limited IP resources, we now have clear restrictions on the IP change policy:


-IP cannot be replaced for servers that pay monthly.

-Stater package cannot replace IP (this month).

-however, IP Care+ Program is not restricted.



Please note: This restriction is temporary and conforms to the TOS. The termination date is June 25, 2019, UTC time (may end earlier);





יום ראשון, יוני 2, 2019