From today to the end of 2019.


Once you purchase a PVM.LAX.Pro server as a new customer, you can get a free PVM.LAX.Lite.MINI for 3 months.


For new customer. 

1. Sign up a DMIT Account;

2. Purchase any PVM.LAX.Pro server, add  [ PVM.LAX.Lite.MINI ] to cart at the same time

3. use Code "GIA-Q4-Free-LITE-MINI".


For the current customer,

You can also get the 70off to get a [ PVM.LAX.Lite.MINI ] by using code [ GIA-Q4-NOW-70off-LITE-MINI ] with Semi-Annually (6 months) payment. That's 26.82USD to get an Unmetered 100Mbps Premium Global Routing VM for half a year (6 months).





Sábado, Outubro 26, 2019